Phototherapy Department
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- Phototherapy Department
The Phototherapy unit provides service to all the patients from our catchment area. There are 10 treatment rooms that contain phototherapy machines (UVA, UVB, Narrow-Band UVB), and UVA1 machines. Besides, there is one hall that contains several hand and foot machines. The unit also contains 2 rooms for photo-testing and a medical photophysics laboratory for calibration of the machines.
It provides photo testing and phototherapy (Systemic and Topical PUVA, UVB, UVA) for the indicated diseases. Each doctor working in this unit follows the treatment protocol provided by the center for this unit. Topical application of medication for Topical PUVA is carried out by the nursing staff.
Photo testing is done on Sundays, Mondays, and Thursdays for oral PUVA, and daily except Thursdays for UVB. The unit also provides afternoon treatment services from 2pm to 6pm. Each patient is given verbal and written information and instruction about the phototherapy and its possible side effects.

Dr. Abeer Abdullah
Consultant and Head of Department

Dr. Ehab Nour Eldein

Dr. Jihan Rajy

Dr. Mohamed Taha

Dr. Ahmad Fekry

Dr. Reham Etman
Medical Photophysics Laboratory
The medical photophysics laboratory is involved in the following activities:
1- Set up of photophysics lab., Workshop, UVA and UVB treatment rooms, and Laser rooms.
2- Training the nursing staff who are involved in the treatment of patients with PUVA and UVB.
3- Calibration of PUVA and UVB units periodically.
4- Calibration of different instruments and detectors in the lab.
5- Photo-testing of patients of different skin types using Applied Photophysics Photo-irradiator and Multiport solar simulator ( Model XPS 200 )
6- Measurement of the absorbency (or light transmission) of sunglasses for patients treated with photosensitizer, to protect their eyes from UVR.
7- Measurement of erythema and pigmentation in human skin using non-invasive techniques by:
- a) Spectrophotometer ( Minolta CM-200 )
- b) Spectrofluorometer ( FluroMax-2 )
8- Study of changes in optical parameters of human skin with various stimuli, using a spectrofluorometer.
9- Training of students of Technical College in the field of applied physics in Dermatology.

Noha Al-Heneyan

Hadeyah Al-Hajry

Hessa Al-Sebaey

Maha Al-Enezy

Hanouf Al-Enezy